Everybody wants to remember where they traveled and what they did when visiting foreign locations during leisure time. The most popular way is to take pictures of yourself when visiting the area. To remember the trip, you will want to capture unique opportunities that can only be had when you are physically there. Let's take a look at what to consider when it comes time to press the shutter button.
Sunset And Sunrise
Environmental lighting is important when you're taken pictures and it's the one thing you have the least control over. Indoors you might be able to move lights and manipulate their color, but outdoors taking pictures of anything such as scenery or people is at the whim of mother nature. If you are willing to get out of bed early and stay up late then your best photos will likely be at sunrise or sunset. It is at this time a day when the sun is lowest in the sky therefore lighting is not as harsh in contrast to the middle of the day. Some refer to this as the golden hour both because of the lighting as well as because other tourists are likely sleeping and therefore will not get into the shot.
Patience Leads To Smarter Travel Photos
You will need to resign to yourself there are going to be other tourists in the area, therefore patience is a virtue to get the best picture. It is not unheard-of for some of the best photographers to wait hours just to get the perfect shot because they waited for people and cars to get out of the way. Sometimes waiting for the perfect weather means riding out a rainstorm until the clouds clear up if you are looking to get a clear shot. That said, quantity isn't more important than quality when are you are out in the field. Even while waiting for the perfect situation, go ahead and continue snapping the shudder as often as possible. You never know what will become a gem.
Not Here, Out There!
Most tourists visit the gift shop to buy postcards just before leaving. However, the first place you visit might just be these retail locations to discover which pictures have already been taken. Even before you leave to go on your trip it's a good idea to find out what others have done so you are not spending time taking the same shot. This means when you are visiting that location you will need to stray off the beaten path where most tourists do not go. Your personal safety is always the most important, but if you are adventurous than go ahead and take that side road or climb up to get a birds-eye view of the area. You may even run into some residents willing to pose which can capture local cultural significance.
It is important to be flexible in your itinerary to take smarter travel photos whether that means waking up early, staying up late, waiting for others to move, or interacting with people living in the area. You will be glad that you took these unique pictures the next time you are yearning for travel because they will bring back memories that no nobody else has experienced. As a result, you will have great stories to tell your friends and family when you get back home and have the evidence to prove it.
This guest post was written by Frank Laughlin. An innovator and adventurer at heart, Frank is committed to providing unique ways of inspiring ideas, sparking creativity and encouraging problem solving.
As creator of ideas2apply, Frank encourages creative thinking via the exploration of topics from multiple angles. When not generating new and unique ways to help young minds explore and grow, Frank cultivates his need for adventure through frequent visits to theme parks, sports venues, and instrumental music performances.